Marl Pits Wildlife Area

Marl PitsMarl Pits is just what it says, a series of worked-out marl pits through which a public footpath provides a useful route avoiding a narrow rock-faced blind bend on the nearby road. Most marl pits hold water because of the clay base and many Cheshire ponds are old marl pits. However, this site is particularly dry because it has been worked down to sandstone. Not all of this area is owned by the town council charity, but the adjacent land owner has agreed to leave it in FtC's care. After various path improvements the latest work has been the gradual reduction in the canopy to see at what point some ground cover growth is initiated. Marl is a mixture of calcium carbonate and clay which gives it slightly alkaline properties and was therefore useful in conditioning acidic soils. Another major use of marl was in the manufacture of cement.