Plea to create ‘more exciting’ play areas for children in Frodsham

Town Council23 July 2013: SWINGS and roundabouts are ‘boring’, says a councillor, who wants to ditch dated play areas in Frodsham to create ‘more exciting’ adventure playgrounds for children.

Full Article in CheshireLive


Councillor calls for play area (Green Gates) trouble spot in Frodsham to be sold off

Green Gates26 April 2012: A PROBLEM play area in Frodsham should be sold off and the site used to build more sheltered housing for elderly residents, says a town councillor.

Full Article in CheshireLive


Saturday market could bring thousands of shoppers to Frodsham

market12 April 2012: SPECIALIST markets showcasing local food, drink and arts and crafts could bring thousands of shoppers flocking to Frodsham every weekend.

Full Article on Cheshire Live Website

Market on InFrodsham